Julia Tompkins, founder and owner of Light and Liv. She is a mother of two and has been working in the health and fitness industry for nearly two decades. She is not only a certified Yoga teacher, but also holds national licenses for personal training and group exercise instructor.

Julia's mission is to create a space for people to find their Yoga. A place where people can rest in themselves and find peace in their hearts.

about the founder - Julia Tompkins

Yoga has deepened her perspective of life and has allowed her to find peace amongst the noise. Julia believes Yoga is unique to everyone, that there isn’t one way or one particular right way. Yoga is acknowledging all parts of self and finding the path that serves you. She believes in the power of the push and challenge all while embracing the essence of Yoga allowing yourself to sit, rest and be with what is. She looks forward to meeting, flowing, and laughing with you.

"Yoga is embedded in my being."

more about julia



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Julia Tompkins, founder and owner of Light and Liv. She is a mother of two and has been working in the health and fitness industry for nearly two decades. She is not only a certified Yoga teacher, but also holds national licenses for personal training and group exercise instructor. With her plethora of certifications and studies it allows Julia to have great diversity and knowledge in many facets of movement, accompanied with a strong passion to help others find their wholeness.


A native of Boulder, Colorado, Alli loves all things outdoors and anything that gets her body moving. Alli found yoga after breaking her back in a rock-climbing accident when she was 21 and was immediately enamored with how the movement and poses changed both her body and mind for the better. She has now been teaching for over seven years and finds teaching yoga a rewarding outlet. Alli believes yoga is for everyone and loves to see her students grow by both challenging themselves, as well as listening to their own bodies throughout their practice. When not teaching yoga, Alli can be found working with children at her private music therapy practice in Fort Collins, playing violin in the local symphonies, or adventuring outdoors with her husband and three giant dogs.


Stuart found yoga in 2018 when he was looking for something “new” around the time his children were finishing up high school. Thinking yoga was just stretching, to complement running and biking, he ended up being amazed at the physical awareness gained through the practice and discovering that there was a whole lot more than just movement. It also provided him a space for reflection and mindfulness – the ability to be present, aware, and not overwhelmed. Being a lifelong learner, this piqued his interest so he decided to discover more and completed his 200hr Vinyasa certification in 2021, somewhat unaware that would make him a teacher. This wasn’t sufficient to satiate his desire to learn, so he also completed a 200hr Hot certification in 2022. His intention is to be a constant student of yoga. His practice is deliberate and intentional with a focus on alignment and mind/body awareness – in his classes you can often expect similar instruction. He is humbled to be able to enable others on their journey with yoga, wherever they may be at, all with an ever so slight Aussie accent. When not on his mat you might find him paddleboarding, biking, at a concert, or enjoying time with his two awesome children. 


Gina took her first yoga class in 2012 and was instantly hooked after experiencing the profound effects yoga had on her life. The transformation yoga had on her physically, emotionally, and spiritually created a fire to share this gift with others. The desire to share yoga and its benefits inspired her to become a yoga teacher. In 2014 she completed a 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga teacher training program with Mindstream Yoga. Gina brings her heart to each class she teaches. She creates an environment where each student feels welcome, no matter where they are on their journey. She inspires people to find their authenticity, courage, and strength to create their own experience on and off the mat. Gina pulls insight from books, podcasts, workshops, trainings, and her own spiritual path to weave into her classes. Her classes are inspiring, nurturing, and authentic. Gina leads people on the journey to their true potential. She is a mother to three children. A Chicago native who now calls Colorado home. She loves to spend time in nature, hiking, paddle boarding, traveling, and reading.


Gretchen is a dedicated and spirited 800-hour teacher, bringing yoga to all practitioners. She believes yoga is a lifelong companion, allowing us to seek and peel away layers of our true self to live our lives with clear intention.
In 2011, Gretchen took a 200-hour teacher training at Elan Yoga, with an emphasis on vinyasa and hot. Shortly thereafter, she began teaching Bikram style hot yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa classes. Hungry to take her teaching and practice to the next level, Gretchen took a 300-hour level training with Gina Caputo and the Colorado School of Yoga in 2014. This training launched Gretchen into strategically planning and implementing vinyasa flow classes. In addition to her advanced vinyasa training, Gretchen took a second 300-hour training though Inner Peace Yoga Therapy in Colorado Springs. Gretchen was able to dive deeper into the subtle body aspects of yoga and its therapeutic benefits. 
Gretchen’s classes are prepared with a powerful balance of creativity and purpose. There is a strong focus on breathwork, alignment, and discovering inner strength. 
When Gretchen is not on her mat, she is spending time with family, or taking advantage of all the wonderful things Colorado life has to offer.


Heather has been teaching yoga for over eight years and hopes to instill a sense of peace and encouragement as students move through their yoga practice and navigate their way through life. She believes everyone needs an opportunity to just be. Without knowing what each person is experiencing on their mat or in their life, Heather is grateful to have the opportunity to connect with people through teaching yoga. Heather likes to share thoughts and experiences that may resonate and hopefully impact others being mindful of the struggles and challenges we all face each day. If she could share one thing with anyone who has never tried yoga, she would say, “give it a chance because it can mentally, spiritually and physically transform your life.” Heather believes anyone can benefit greatly from a yoga and meditation practice.
Outside of the yoga studio Heather focuses on spending time with her husband, two daughters and friends. She also enjoys continuing her personal yoga journey, and thoughtfully preparing for her yoga classes. Heather is grateful to all the yoga teachers and students who continue to challenge and inspire her.


Justine began her yoga journey in the summer of 2013 and immediately fell in love with the mind-body connection and self-awareness that consistent practicing brought to the table. She decided to pursue her 200-hour Power Teacher Training a year later, which sparked her love for teaching. She quickly followed this with Yoga Sculpt Teacher Training and began teaching professionally March 2015. Since then, her love and compassion for teaching yoga has blossomed into a lifelong passion. She loves sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm with her students and constantly strives to spread the joy, happiness, and healing that yoga has brought her to others. Outside of the studio Justine spends as much time as she can outside either enjoying the great outdoors or riding horses.


Katie was brought to yoga and meditation over 15 years ago during a health crisis. It was her place of solace and calm, and from that place is where she shares her love for movement and stillness. Katie is inspired by the movement of our bodies that can guide us to stillness of our minds. Through her own journey of healing, yoga brought her to pain relief and wellness.  With a 200-hour yoga certificate and a 200-hour mindfulness meditation teacher certificate, Katie invites students to use their physical experience to go deeper in their head space practice. Mental health is the greatest crisis of our time and as a person who has fought for every joyful experience, Katie hopes to inspire every student to fight for their one precious life. As human beings, not human doings, she hopes to guide you to the present moment through breath, movement, and learning to quiet the chatter of your mind. 
When not teaching you can find Katie with her precious boys and husband camping, hiking, and enjoying concerts.


Caroline’s journey on her yoga mat began at a time in her life when she needed it the most and the connection to the practice has continued to grow and evolve over the years. The mat has become her safe space to move, breathe, be and heal. In 2018, Caroline completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training to help others find their own safe space to be themselves while connecting with their mind, body, and heart. In addition to being a yoga teacher, Caroline is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, and owner of Mind Body You. Her business supports and educates women and girls on the importance of movement, nourishment, self-love, and mindfulness. Caroline is a Colorado native and lives in Fort Collins with her husband and furry companions. In her spare time Caroline loves to garden, cook, and spend time with friends and family while traveling places near and far.


Yoga has been a part of Brookes life for over 20 years. She first stepped on her mat at
the age of 21 after a health challenge that encouraged her to slow down, listen to her body, and to live each moment more mindfully.   In the summer of 2006, Brooke completed a 200-hour Kripalu Yoga certification with
Discovery Yoga in St. Augustine, Florida. She is forever a student on and off her mat and is grateful for the teachers who have inspired her and shared their wisdom and expertise to deepen her understanding of the beautiful practice of yoga.  In Brookes classes, she combines creative sequencing and an inspirational intention to help you deepen your practice physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Brooke’s hope is that you walk off your mat feeling balanced, nourished, and free.  Brooke would love for you to come share your light with her. Om Shanti, shanti, shanti-Namaste.


Hannah started practicing yoga after moving to Colorado from Chicago in 2014. Her interest in yoga as a healing offering was sparked after Hannah received a double foot surgery and she was searching for any form of physical relief. She immediately fell in love with the vinyasa practice and now has her 200-hour Vinyasa and 30-hour Yoga Sculpt certifications. Hannah also has certifications in aerobics for seniors and HIIT. Hannah recently completed her master’s in occupational therapy from CSU and hopes to one day incorporate yoga with her degree to become an adaptive yoga instructor for individuals with physical and mental disabilities. She believes in creating a holistic yoga environment dedicated to alignment, modifications and overcoming barriers to promote a space of comfort, safety and optimum wellness. Hannah also strives to encourage others of individual patience, self-compassion and embracing their own unique yoga journey.


Nicole is a 500-hour yoga teacher with 5 years of teaching experience. Her love of yoga came to her while living in Chicago. It was there that she found the ability to move, breathe and grow as a unit, which brought a feeling of community that could be so hard to find in a big city. After landing back in Fort Collins in 2017, she became passionate about sharing the gift of yoga and decided to venture on her teaching journey. She holds a 200-hour power yoga certification, a 300-hour yoga certification, and a yoga sculpt certification. Nicole loves that yoga is a lifelong journey and continues to seek growth both as a practitioner and a teacher. In Nicole’s class you will find a powerful and playful flow with intentional movement designed to offer ample opportunities to find your ahh-ha moments. You will be encouraged to move and breath exactly as you are, without judgement or expectations. A Fort Collins Native, Nicole loves all things outdoors. When not on her mat, you will find her mountain biking, skiing, or hanging outside with her husband and two daughters.


Kaylen was born and raised in Northern Colorado and has grown to love everything about the community. She loves helping the people of Northern Colorado fall in love with movement. Kaylen has always wanted to make an impact on the world around her and after leaving a full-time teaching position she has committed her life to impact through fitness and movement. The spark of guiding movement began with yoga in 2015 and she’s never looked back. Yoga allowed Kaylen to be mindful, powerful, and creative all at once. A yoga class with Kaylen is guaranteed to be focused, intentional, challenging, fun and have an amazing soundtrack to support it. Kaylen is always eager to expand her knowledge of the body and movement and is trained in yoga, sculpt, spin, lagree, climb, and Pilates. Her mission in life is to remind people that they are strong and capable, all while building a community of compassionate and supportive people. Outside of movement she is a mom to the most amazing daughter and is rejuvenated with time with family, you may see her dad pop into a yoga class from time to time. She runs a small photography business, Rooted Studios, that is focused on reminding people of their beauty and strength.


Amby started practicing yoga in 2008 when her three kids were little, to have time to herself. Amby quickly learned that yoga was so much more than a physical practice. For Amby yoga is a practice that connects the body, mind, and heart. In 2019 Amby became 200hr yoga certified, and since has gone on to get her 300hr certification and a 50hr yoga sculpt certification. Through yoga Amby hopes to share how we can all learn how to treat ourselves and our world better.


Kathleen began practicing yoga in 2009 for the physical benefits. She soon fell deeply in love with the practice after recognizing the significant benefits yoga holds for mental health and wellbeing. She received her 200-hour certification from Hot House Yoga in Iowa City in 2022. In Kathleen’s classes, you can expect a soulful practice that draws from a variety of backgrounds. She emphatically believes that yoga has the power to transform lives and positively impact our community. She is passionate about building meaningful connections both on and off the mat. Outside of the studio she can be found enjoying music, reading anything she can get her hands on and enjoying time outdoors with her two young boys. She tends to draw her inspiration from nature and literature. She strives to create a full body experience that engages mind, body, and soul. 


For Ris, Yoga teaches the art of living in the present moment and how this can bring freedom and joy into life, both on and off the mat. Her background as a dynamic athlete, combined with her 200hr registered yoga training in Thailand, and Yoga Sculpt in Colorado, has shaped her style as centered, playful, and heartfelt. In her classes she will challenge and ground you, making you feel at home with her as you build strength, connection, and confidence. 


Jenn (E-RYT 200) is an Atlanta, Georgia native who began her journey with yoga in 2002. Initially hooked because of the sweat and physical practice, Jenn went on to practice consistently over the next decade and more to discover a profound love and passion not only for the asana but also the beautiful, healing mind-body connection. With a B.A. in Elementary Education and M.A. in English Education along with a desire to blend her passions for teaching and yoga, she completed her 200-hour teacher training in 2015 and went on to also obtain her certifications in Yoga Wall and Hot Yoga to complement her Power Vinyasa style.

Jenn has had the privilege of traveling and gaining more exposure to yoga styles and teachings around the world, most extensively in countries like Mexico, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, and Indonesia. Additionally, she has had the opportunities to help lead yoga and wellness retreats in Bocas del Toro, Panana, and Koh Samui, Thailand. Next, her yoga endeavors will take her to help lead wellness retreats in Bali, Indonesia as well as the Dominica island in the Caribbean. 

Jenn is currently working towards her 300-hour advanced teacher training and studying with Briohny Smyth and the Aligned Yoga team. 


Carly has been practicing Yoga since 2014. As a yoga instructor, she specializes in restorative classes and creative flows, encouraging her students to explore new possibilities on their mats. Outside of yoga, Carly works as a hairstylist and enjoys outdoor activities, creative pursuits, and quality time with loved ones. Carly's passion for growth leads her to pursue a 500-hour training to deepen her expertise. With enthusiasm and vibrant energy, Carly is excited to share her practice with you at Light + Liv. 


Chelsie’s journey to practicing yoga began during her time in Okinawa, Japan in 2014 when she and a friend started doing yoga challenges on Instagram and following along to YouTube yoga classes. The experience of trying crazy shapes and arm balances allowed Chelsie to explore her creativity, but she craved more structure. It wasn’t until 2016 when she took her first studio class at a small studio in Lompoc, CA that she discovered her true passion for yoga. After three years practicing at Yoga Vie, Chelsie earned the 200-hour yoga teacher certification where she went on to teach and help manage the studio. She developed a strong foundation in alignment-based cues, breath awareness, and intentional movement through her Ashtanga practice and attending workshops regularly. She has since earned her 300-hour yoga teacher certification with Authentic Movements, learning to channel her creativity through functional movement and the use of non-traditional postures and sequencing. Chelsie’s unique blend of creativity and tradition make for a well-rounded experience in the yoga space. Her teaching style is calm and encouraging, with attention to alignment and modifications to make the practice accessible for everybody. You can expect to feel connection to the yogic tradition through excerpts from the Yoga Sutras in her classes, as well as use of Sanskrit and calling awareness to the breath. 

Off the mat, Chelsie is a full-time student in pursuit of a PhD in nutrition, an avid gym-goer, animal parent, and wife. She wears many hats but puts her whole heart into everything she does. Chelsie is honored to be part of such a loving and supportive community here at Light and Liv. She hopes to carry this forward to her students and provide a safe space where they can explore who they are one breath at a time.


Liz discovered yoga at 19 years old when her body was craving movement and a rehabilitative practice after years of dance. She quickly noticed yoga was beyond just a physical practice with its mind body connection and was hooked. Liz had an on again off again relationship with yoga for years but always came back. The way yoga would meet her wherever she was in life: physically, emotionally, and mentally was unmatched in other practices. Liz completed a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2020 and it was a saving grace during those Covid times. She has since completed numerous trainings and still have a thirst for yoga knowledge. Please feel free to talk yoga with her anytime.


Nichole is a native to Colorado and loves to be out in the sunshine with her family. Yoga came to Nichole at a time when she was seeking more, more ways to connect, more ways to use her gifts and more ways to carve out something that was just for her. Yoga quickly became a staple that she wanted to share with others. Through the transformative experience of YTT she knew she had found her calling. Nichole loves to create a culture that is welcoming to all students in whatever state they are in. Her classes present challenge, emphasis on listening to one’s body and the space to be curious and explore. In her classes you will quickly see the care she has for her students and her love for all variations of chair pose.


Ally is a Chicago native who recently relocated to Fort Collins with her family. She incorporates her extensive dance background to creatively sequence yoga classes. She especially loves challenging students beyond the physical practice to focus deeply on the breath + body connection. Ally has been co-leading yoga retreats since 2021. She is also level two Reiki certified and a level two certified Lagree instructor.


Hailing from the bitter cold and insane humidity of Wisconsin, the intense humidity is what initially drew Sarah to the hot yoga series in 2019. Although she finds true magic in her vinyasa practice, she fell in love with the set series of hot amidst the chaos of the rest of the world. She loves that you can practice this series again and again, and there will always be something new to work on or refine. Sarah feels that hot classes and set sequences are an excellent way to tune in to the clues your body is giving, allowing a new level of self-love and self-care. She completed her 200-hour vinyasa teacher training in fall of 2021, and feeling incredibly inspired, completed her 200-hour hot teacher training shortly after in spring of 2022. Her own practice is the foundation of her teaching, and she is dedicated to her work as a student to continue becoming a better teacher. 

Sarah’s main priority is to provide a space where you feel safe and very welcome in her class. She will encourage you to find a bit of lightness and even playfulness through the intensity of the hot class, and similar energy but with a bit more adventure in her vinyasa classes. Everyone a is at a different point in their life and yoga journeys, and Sarah will always strive to meet, honor, and encourage you exactly where you’re at.
